Labor Inducing Recipes to Try When Your Due Date Is Approaching

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Are you getting close to, or past your due date, and looking for some labor inducing recipes to jump start contractions? While you might be skeptical about their effectiveness, and may even consider them an old wives’ tale, when you’re way past your due date, or facing a possible induction, you’re probably desperate and willing to try out anything.

And it turns out, there are certain foods that induce labor and can help make things progress for you.

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The advice included in this article is meant for informational purposes only. Please consult your care provider before making any decisions regarding your pregnancy.

Can Foods Really Induce Labor?

Medical practitioners suggest a variety of different applications to help initiate labor in women who are past their due date, and trying out certain foods is one of them.

A quick Google search might land you a lot of different foods worth trying out, but most of them are just an old wives’ tales and don’t have any research to back up their effectiveness.

Many other foods, when consumed, can also lead to diarrhea, severe digestive distress and might pose health risks.

What to eat to start labor?

The list of foods that can help induce labor is actually surprisingly short, if you consider the ones that are actually backed up by scientific evidence.

  • Pineapple: This fruit is believed to initiate labor thanks to its bromelain content, which can cause the cervix to soften.
  • Dates: Dates are another popular labor inducing food that actually have some science behind them. The consumption of dates towards the final weeks of pregnancy has been known to shorten the duration of labor and reduce the need of augmentation to speed up childbirth. Learn how to eat dates during pregnancy here.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: This refreshing drink can not just induce labor but also shorten it, and at the same time, strengthen the uterine muscles. Read more about the tea and raspberry leaf tea labor stories.
  • Evening Primrose Oil: Available in the form of tablets, these are again, thought to induce labor by softening the cervix.

Apart from these, spicy food in general, is also believed to help bring about contractions and initiate labor.

Need more healthy pregnancy recipes for every trimester?

Best Recipes That Induce Labor

Here are some good recipes that can help you kickstart your labor and get the baby to come! This is a list of some of the best handpicked labor inducing recipes you can try at home.

Share your experience with labor inducing recipes in the comments below! Try one of these? Make sure come back and let us know which recipes actually work!!

Preparing for labor & delivery? Check out our tips for preparing for natural labor.

More Pregnancy Recipes & Meals

Our goal here at Birth Eat Love is to make healthy eating easier for pregnant Moms. Here are some of our best resources for figuring out what to eat while pregnant:

Healthy Pregnancy Dinners

Pregnancy Lunch Ideas

Healthy Pregnancy Breakfast Ideas

Guide to Pregnancy Meal Planning (using Pinterest!)

Clean Eating Pregnancy Recipes Collection

Best Healthy Drinks for Pregnancy (besides water!)

Ultimate Pregnancy Grocery List (clean eating + superfoods)

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