Are you getting disturbed by the amount of hair you’re seeing in your shower drain and whenever you comb your hair after you’ve given birth?
Don’t panic – that’s completely normal.
What you’re experiencing is postpartum hair loss.
I know, I know there are already a lot of things to deal with – caring for a baby, dealing with your husband, your work, chores, etc. And even though hair loss seems like a minor issue, it can add more to your stress and worries!
If you’re starting to freak out about it, there are some simple things you can do to improve the condition of your hair and make it at least look thicker and fuller.
But first, let’s go over what exactly is postpartum hair loss, its symptoms, why it’s happening, and how to handle it.
And while you are here make sure to check out all our postpartum recovery tips.
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What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?
The extreme hair loss that occurs a few months after giving birth is known as postpartum hair loss.
It’s caused by hormonal changes that take place before, during, and especially, after birth.
It’s a common occurrence that can alarm a lot of women, especially if you notice a lot more hair coming off and sticking on your pillow, in your hairbrush, and on the shower drain.
We typically lose 80 to 100 hairs per day.
However, you can be losing up to 400 hairs every day during this post partum hair loss phase! And it can be quite apparent if you have long hair.
The good news is that losing hair postpartum should slow down or stop between 6 and 12 months after giving birth. And it won’t lead to baldness.
How Does Postpartum Hair Loss Occur?
In a nutshell, our bodies go through so much during pregnancy. It affects everything in us – physical changes as well as emotional ones.
So it’s only expected that some of those changes will, unfortunately, affect our hair.
Some pregnant women ironically report having thicker hair. But after that might become a shocker for some, because of the postpartum hair loss.
For those growing thicker hair while pregnant, their estrogen levels rise above normal, which boosts hair growth, making theirs thicker.
But once the baby is born, the estrogen levels return to normal or drops, which can, unfortunately, lead to hair loss.
How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?
Postpartum hair loss can last for more or less than 6 months.
But worry not, by the time your baby is at least 1 year old, your hair should go back to its normal fullness.
What Are the Signs of Postpartum Hair Loss?
Finding more loose hair than usual on your brush, pillow, or shower floor is the biggest indicator.
More stray hair may be adhered to your clothing, as well.
How Do You Prevent Postpartum Hair Shedding?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent postpartum hair loss.
But there are certain things you can do to give your hair a fuller, thicker appearance.
Here are seven easy methods that can encourage healthy hair growth and can give you the appearance of having fuller, thicker hair.
7 Ways To Handle Postpartum Hair Loss
Go Easy On Your Hair
Brush your hair gently using a high-quality comb.
This ensures less hair strand breakage so your best chance in using a superior comb is getting an anti-static wooden one.
Avoid also tight ponytails, blow drying, curling, and ironing your hair, for at least the first year after giving birth.
Check out more natural postpartum care essentials here.
Change Your Hairstyle
Go to your trusted hair stylist or at least a professional one and ask for a hairstyle that can give your hair some volume, making it look thicker.
You can also ask for some advice on simple hair tricks to cover up hair loss, such as wearing hair accessories, parting your hair a certain way, or more.
Massage Your Scalp
You can improve the circulation of hair follicles, which can promote hair growth, by giving your scalp a massage with with oils for postpartum hair loss.
Castor oils and argan oil are reported to have wonderful effects on hair follicles, enhancing the health of your hair.
Just a few drops should be sufficient, so take care not to use too much. And to avoid feeling greasy, make sure to wash and rinse well.
You can mix it up with coconut oil for similar or better results.
Try a Postpartum Hair Loss Shampoo
It’s not a sure treatment for hair loss, but there’s no harm in using a shampoo designed to reduce hair loss and that can also encourage hair growth.
Keep Taking Your Vitamins
Keep taking the doctor’s recommended vitamins and supplements. Talk to them also about taking ones that can help combat hair loss and promote hair regrowth such as:
- Vitamin B complex and/or biotin (B7)
- Iron
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Zinc
This supplement called Mermaid’s Hair includes all these nutrients and is made especially for postpartum Moms.
Just remember to always check in with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you’re breastfeeding.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
A nutritious diet, especially during your pregnancy or after giving birth, can aid in your overall recovery and help reduce the progression of postpartum hair loss.
Make sure your diet contains the proper balance of vitamins and nutrients, which are mostly found in fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Building your daily meals around the best foods to eat postpartum is the best way to get the nutrition needed for healing after having baby.
Postpartum diet recipes
- Best Postpartum Soup Recipes
- Ultimate Postpartum Meals and Grocery List
- Postpartum Snacks
- Postpartum Chicken Soup
Don’t forget to hydrate yourself and drink the necessary amount of water every day. This list of lactation drinks has some good suggestions that are good for postpartum moms.
Reduce Stress
Taking care of a newborn can bring a new bout of overwhelm but try to reduce that stress and anxiety by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises.
And if the newborn phase is going a bit too much, remember to ask for help from your spouse, family, and friends, to help look after your baby or even do household chores and run errands.
More Tips for Living With Postpartum Hair Loss
Keep a lookout for any stray hair that can end up in your baby’s diapers, bassinets, cribs, playpens for crawling, or worse, can tie up and wound around your baby’s limbs.
Use a sink drain strainer for your bathroom, to catch loose hair every time, to prevent your sink drain from clogging.
If possible, use a robot vacuum around the house to do some daily hair cleaning.
It can be quite alarming to lose so much hair, especially when it’s a crowning glory you’ve had for decades and you feel like you’re going bald!
Think of postpartum hair loss as another phase you need to go through – it won’t last.
Your hormones will eventually normalize and the hair loss will gradually slow down. Everything will return to normal at some point.
So don’t worry about it too much and try to just accept it as part of becoming a new mom.
Julie shares the dirt on motherhood and what she wished she knew back when she was a new mom, on her website Adaptable Mama. She also hopes her site would be able to help her daughter one day when she decides to become a mom.
More Postpartum Tips
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