Positive Birth Stories (for Every Type of Birth)

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This is a collection of links to positive birth stories. Oral tradition and storytelling was an integral part of birth preparation for our ancestors. Women passed on their knowledge and childbirth experiences to the younger generation in hopes of guiding, inspiring and remembering.

I loved reading and listening to natural birth stories during my pregnancies. It helped me feel connected to other women and learn that there are so many ways to achieve a natural birth.

Each and Every Birth is Unique

Through reading birth stories I gained a tremendous amount of respect for all the mothers of the world. We are each on our own journey of discovery. We can learn so much about the birth process through listening and reading the experiences of other mothers.

No matter how you choose to birth, or where you choose to birth, birth stories can provide you with inspiration and motivation to achieve the birth you want.

There are many ways to prepare for labor. One must get the body ready, but also the mind.

How do you know if you have never experienced something? You learn from others that have done it before.

Here’s what Ina May Gaskin had to say:

“Stories teach us in ways we can remember. They teach us that each woman responds to birth in her unique way and how very wide-ranging that way can be.

Sometimes they teach us about silly practices once widely held that were finally discarded. They teach us the occasional difference between accepted medical knowledge and the real bodily experiences that women have – including those that are never reported in medical textbooks nor admitted as possibilities in the medical world.

They also demonstrate the mind/body connection in a way that medical studies cannot.

Birth stories told by women who were active participants in giving birth often express a good deal of practical wisdom, inspiration, and information for other women.

Positive stories shared by women who have had wonderful childbirth experiences are an irreplaceable way to transmit knowledge of a woman’s true capacities in pregnancy and birth.”

Not familiar with Ina May? She is often referred to as the “mother of modern midwifery.” If you haven’t read her book, you should totally check it out here.  It shares insights for how to shift your mindset to be truly prepared for birth.

Make reading birth stories part of your daily pregnancy routine. Save this link for later as there are so many beautiful and touching stories that will inspire you along your birth journey.

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Reading postive birth stories is one of the best ways to prepare for natural childbirth. Read over 20 birth stories! #birthstory

Do you have a Birth Story you would like to share? Your story could be featured here. Click HERE to have your story linked up.

Positive Birth Stories Collection

Here you will find a collection of birth stories from Moms all over the world. There are homebirth stories, natural hospital birth stories, birth center birth stories, unassisted birth stories, and water birth stories.

There are easy labors, longs labors, and difficult labors described on the journey to childbirth.

Each shares a beautiful perspective and can help shed some light on what you can expect during labor and what it is like to have a baby.

Under a variety of circumstances these amazing ladies were able to have positive birth experiences. And you can too!

Preparing for birth can be overwhelming to say the least. Check out this course that answers so many of the questions swirling in your head about birth preparation.

Read these Water Birth Stories

Have you heard that laboring in water can shorten your labor time? Read these water birth stories for inspiration!

The Birth Story of Baby Violet – A Water Birth Story

Wellness Mama – Breech Water Birth

Quick Home Water Birth

Mommypotomus – Winter Solstice Water Birth

Sharing Joy| Welcoming Grae {Video}

Water Birth Story from One Weird Mama

Making Pre-baby freezer meals? Click the image below to get your copy of Healing Freezer Meals for Postpartum and Breastfeeding!

Need breastfeeding friendly recipes? This ebook has 12 freezer meal recipes that support breastfeeding and healing postpartum.

Homebirth Stories

Planning a homebirth? Wondering if home birth is for you? These beautiful birth stories are some of my favorites!

Birth Stories Blog Series – Baby Hazel (Home birth, water birth, Vbac)

The Birth Story of Finley Nathaniel {Planned Homebirth, Unplanned Unassisted}

Birth Story of Sybil | When Instincts Replace Doubt

The Home Birth of Our Rainbow Baby – Mama Serendipity 

Jennifer Griffin – A Homebirth Story

A Birth Story with the Farm Midwives

Positive Hospital Birth Stories

Can you have a positive birth at the hospital? These moms did! Read on the hear their hospital birth stories.

Are you preparing for a hospital birth? You are going to want to check out this online childbirth class. It will prepare you for all aspects of having a hospital birth (even if you want an epidural!).

My Second Birth Story – Detoxinista

All Natural Hospital Birth – Real Food RN

Blushing Mama – Camila’s Birth Story {Induced, No Epidural}

Preparing for Labor and Delivery – Alli’s Birth Story from Mom Smart Not Hard

Trina’s Birth Story from Mom Smart Not Hard

A Birth Photographer’s Birth Story

Ali and Sam’s Birth Story – A Natural Twin Birth Story

My Labor And Delivery Story – The Girl Outnumbered

Pain Free Birth Thanks to Hypnobirthing from Mum in the Woods

Positive Epidural Birth Story (with tips for positive birth!)from Mums Invited

C-Section Birth Story: A Learning Opportunity for a Healthcare Provider from Petite Capsule

More Birth Story Collections

Can’t get enough birth stories? Check out these birth story collections to keep your mind focused on the positive aspects of birth.

Positive Birth Stories – Natural Earthy Mama

The Best of Baby – International Birth Stories Collection

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories -Collection of Birth Stories

Mother’s Naturally – Collection of birth Stories

128 Honest Natural Birth Stories – Birth Stories Collection from Natural Birth and Baby Care

Challenging Births, Strong Mamas

While the stories in this section are not your typical “positive birth story”, they are included here to remind us that ALL births are positive and that it is how a mother tells her story that truly defines her birth experience. Each of these stories touched me deeply. If you are very fearful of birth skip these for now. If you want a full understanding of the depths of birth read on.

They started the Pitocin at 1:15pm – Cole’s Crossing

Deanna’s Story: Being Difficult, A Birth Story

Listen to these Birth Story Podcasts…

Tora’s Fearless Birth Story from Sweden from Fear Free Childbirth Podcast

Belah’s Positive Birth Story from Fear Free Childbirth Podcast

Sadie’s Water Birth from Natural Birth and Baby Care Podcast

Surprise Homebirth in Japan + Great Hospital Birth  from the Birth Hour Podcast

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More from Birth Eat Love on Preparing for Labor

Here are our best posts for helping you get ready for rocking your upcoming childbirth.

7 Tips for Having a Natural Childbirth

The Difference Preparation Makes in Natural Birth

Essentials for Natural Postpartum Recovery -you are going to need the stuff on this list to heal quickly after birth!

And we have lots of posts with foods to help you have a faster and easier labor:

Planning on Breastfeeding? Want a Fast Postpartum Recovery?

Get your postpartum started right by making pre-baby freezer meals! Learn more by clicking here!

Making pre baby freezer meals? Make freezer meals that actually support breastfeeding and healing. 12 recipes with leftover suggestions and a grocery shopping list!

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Free Birth Affirmations

Download your free printable birth affirmations to help keep your mind focused during pregnancy and childbirth. Birth Affirmations are a great tool to help YOU achieve a natural childbirth.

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